MST3K fodder. Its so bad its actually worth seeing just for that reason. There are some hilarious things in it, such as the mysterious device the bad guy is seen working on for the whole movie, that turns out to be this tiny helicopter that flutters around carrying and firing a machine gun without so much as a wobble, but is brought down by a bag of balloons (the kind they release at political conventions). Many other wonderful touches of that sort. Stars Charlie Sheen. Theres one scene where he spends five minutes recording a conversation, only to drop the microcassette in the Potomac River by accident. If theyd cast Emilio Estevez in the part that never wouldve happened.
发布时间:2024-11-25 08:28 《韩国小姐》以1997年外汇危机为背景,讲述男主角和几个好朋友研制生产化妆品,却因为资金紧绌面临倒闭危机,于是说服前度女友参加选美,希望成功摘冠后,男的化妆品可以打响名堂,女的亦可脱离本来在百货公司当电梯女郎的生涯